Transnational firms benefited from the more favourable economic climates in emerging markets , and some developed markets , like america .
The united states and european states have been regularly and responsibly sharing personal information to combat transnational crime and terrorism for decades .
No member is prepared to cede its national sovereignty , even on an issue as patently transnational as the mekong .
Thanks mainly to economic uncertainty , unctad reckons transnational companies are hoarding some $ 5 trillion in cash .
Whatever the figure turns out to be , hon hai is a nimble transnational company , able to move production around as circumstances change .
Transnational criminal organizations have accumulated unprecedented wealth and power through trafficking and other illicit activities , penetrating legitimate financial systems and destabilizing commercial markets .
Yet instead its very structure has changed as globalization has empowered legions of transnational nonstate actors from corporations to ngos to religious groups .
His office 's transnational crime data center combs through lists of wanted criminals from foreign governments and cross-references them with hotel registration logs and visa renewal applications .
An end to the policy of global collusion in the operation of tax havens that allow rich individuals and transnational corporations to avoid fair taxation .
Although this gloomy situation is expected to persist throughout the year , the transnational corporations surveyed indicate they expect foreign direct investment will progressively recover in 2010 and gain momentum in 2011 .