
transitioning 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

All you need to do is get your blood flowing , which will assist your body in transitioning between the sleeping and awake states .
Never forget your past : aborigines and the pima indians of arizona developed obesity , type 2 diabetes , and hypertension after transitioning to a western lifestyle .
Clearing this option causes auto-hidden windows to appear instantly when requested rather than slowly transitioning onto the screen .
But sprint 's financial situation , constrained by the cost of transitioning subscribers off its nextel network and by its $ 14.7 billion in net debt , may have kept it from entering the fray .
We are transitioning newsweek , not saying goodbye to it .
At present , teams are required to hold less intense practices once per day for seven to 10 days in the heat before transitioning into more intense schedules with more than one practice per day .
Resume builder powered by google docs - we found that docs can be a particularly helpful tool to transitioning service members seeking employment .
" People are transitioning from shock to real-world problems of how do you get water and how do you get food , " michael bloomberg , new york 's mayor , said .
Getting deeper into corporate data budgets would require google to do something its management has avoided doing : transitioning from a pure product company , building and distributing technologies , to one that gets its hands dirty helping companies one by one solve their information problems .
" Anybody who 's transitioning really needs to experience what I would call a dignified process , " morrow says .