
n.毒理学,毒物学( toxicology的名词复数 )
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- While it might seem that decreasing exposure to pesticides in any way could only be good for you , toxicologists would differ .
- 好像以任何方式减少农药接触对你来说只有好处,对这一点毒理学家持不同意见。
- If you don 't want to listen to those people or me , listen to the toxicologists , who study this stuff for a living .
- 如果你不想听那些人或者我说,那么就听听毒理学家说的吧,他们是以研究这些东西为生的。
- Toxicologists have long held that the dose makes the poison : a substance can cause harm only in amounts high enough to overwhelm the body 's defenses .
- 毒理学家长期认为化学品只有达到一定的剂量才成为毒物:一种物质只有在数量多到足以击垮身体的防御能力时,才会造成损害。
- Do you know what toxicologists and geology experts cost ?
- 你知道要请毒物和地质专家要花多少钱吗?
- The niehs group is working with toxicologists and local health officials to pin down biomarkers for these and other sources of contamination that may result in respiratory difficulties , rashes , chemicals in the bloodstream , and , in the longer term , the increased risk of cancer among the cleanup crew .
- niehs的团队正和毒性物质学家、当地的卫生官员一道工作以确定可能给油污清理人员造成呼吸困难、湿疹、血液中混入化学物质以及以后增加癌症风险的污染源的生物标记。
- Our results also show significant differences in perceptions on the risk and toxicology concepts between the public and toxicologists . The public ' ' attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than the toxicologists in terms of dose and exposure .
- 同时国人对於化学物质健康危害的认知相当敏感而极为负面,而且对於有害或者有毒物质的危害极少考虑剂量高低与暴露频率,此与毒理学家有显著的差异。
- That 's why toxicologists and doctors are encouraged to see the u. s. food and drug administration crack down on the makers of drinks such as four loko and joose , which experts compare to two cups of coffee combined with the equivalent of four or five beers .
- 因此毒理学家和医生们乐于见到美国食品和药品管理局严惩fourloko和joose这类饮品的生产商,专家们认为两杯的咖啡酒精混合饮料和四至五支啤酒相当。
- No cancer medicines can be sold to or even tested on people without the imprimatur of dr. pazdur and his staff of about 150 oncologists , toxicologists and other specialists .
- 任何一种抗癌药物的上市甚至人体试验都必须经过帕兹德博士及其150名肿瘤学家、毒理学家和其他专家团队的同意。
- As toxicologists , we have expertise on nanotechnology 's potential impact on human health .
- 作为毒理专家,我们有专业知识,了解纳米技术对人类健康的潜在影响。
- European association of poisons centres and clinical toxicologists .
- 欧洲毒物控制中心和临床毒理学协会。