

n.毒理学,毒物学( toxicology的名词复数 )

toxicologists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

While it might seem that decreasing exposure to pesticides in any way could only be good for you , toxicologists would differ .
If you don 't want to listen to those people or me , listen to the toxicologists , who study this stuff for a living .
Toxicologists have long held that the dose makes the poison : a substance can cause harm only in amounts high enough to overwhelm the body 's defenses .
Do you know what toxicologists and geology experts cost ?
The niehs group is working with toxicologists and local health officials to pin down biomarkers for these and other sources of contamination that may result in respiratory difficulties , rashes , chemicals in the bloodstream , and , in the longer term , the increased risk of cancer among the cleanup crew .
Our results also show significant differences in perceptions on the risk and toxicology concepts between the public and toxicologists . The public ' ' attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than the toxicologists in terms of dose and exposure .
That 's why toxicologists and doctors are encouraged to see the u. s. food and drug administration crack down on the makers of drinks such as four loko and joose , which experts compare to two cups of coffee combined with the equivalent of four or five beers .
No cancer medicines can be sold to or even tested on people without the imprimatur of dr. pazdur and his staff of about 150 oncologists , toxicologists and other specialists .
As toxicologists , we have expertise on nanotechnology 's potential impact on human health .
European association of poisons centres and clinical toxicologists .