
toxicities 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Additional clinical trials are now testing increased doses , and no new toxicities have been observed to date .
- 现在,进一步的临床试验已增加了剂量,到目前为止,还没有观察到新的毒性反应。
- Qsar studies on the acute toxicities of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon to aquatic organisms .
- 卤代芳烃对水生生物急性毒性的定量构效关系研究。
- Studies on the toxicities of agueous estrace of betel quid and nicotine .
- 槟榔嚼块水萃取物与尼古丁毒性之研究。
- Toxicities and control effects of ningchongsu against rice stem borers were tested .
- 研究了宁虫素对水稻螟虫的毒力及防治效果。
- Chronic toxicities of herbicide glyphosate on bufo gargarizans .
- 除草剂草甘膦对中华大蟾蜍的慢性毒性。
- Most of these toxicities could be transferred to progeny from exposed nematodes .
- 大部分毒害能够从暴露线虫当代传递给后代。
- The main toxicities were leukopenia and thrombocytopenia .
- 毒性反应为白细胞减少和血小板减少。
- We need to get a long-term view of were there any toxicities .
- 我们需要对药物是否有毒性进行一个长期的观察。