
townies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Now , technology means the townies are gaining the upper hand .
- 现在,科技意味着城市人在这场论战中占了上风。
- A " townies versus gownies " mentality is prevalent among the city 's youth .
- “大学城居民对比大学生”心态在城市年轻人中很普遍。
- This mad clubbing sesh becomes awash with die-hard fans , students , and townies looking for a nutty night out .
- 夜总会里这种疯狂的社交集会充斥着一些顽固的迷恋者、学生和外出寻找狂热之夜的老百姓。
- Choice was not a luxury afforded only to townies : the study found that patients outside city centres were more likely to attend a hospital other than their local one than were urban denizens .
- 选择权不是只有城里人才能享用的奢侈品:研究发现城镇中心以外的病人比城镇居民更倾向于进入非当地的医院。