The potatoes interwoven deeply into his torso , arms , and legs peered out at her whenever jacob 's leaves shifted .
This exercise will keep your back as strong as it can be , weil says , and give your legs and torso a workout too .
Step four . Pop your pivot-foot hand and elbow 90 degrees so that your fingers face your torso .
A halter top has the torso hole , and one for the neck , and the arms share another one for a total of three .
A human torso was found in a suitcase behind the 29-year-old 's montreal flat .
I 've got 15 interns and students in groups of three , each student having been lectured about my pedagogical purpose and my superiority to the plastic torso down the hall .
This means your neck and spine should be in a neutral position , shoulders and torso relaxed , knees bent at 90 degrees with both feet flat on the floor .
Ten little tails , which once wagged were placed neatly next to paws of various sizes on a dish . A torso lay next to the head of a terrified face .
The sheriff wheelchair by norwegian firm krabat was designed for children under six . It 's exceptionally stable and easy to maneuver , while also offering maximum freedom for the arms and torso .