

Tianjin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The project in the port city of tianjin will proceed in three phases .
- 在天津这个港口城市进行的这一项目分三个阶段进行。
- He said toyota 's tianjin auto-assembly plant is operating normally thursday .
- 这位高管说,丰田在天津的汽车组装工厂周四运转正常。
- It has yet to make an investment , according to senior tianjin officials .
- 据天津高级官员称,该基金尚未进行第一笔投资。
- Tianjin once organised 30 families to change houses , which was spectacular .
- 天津有一次组织30户人家同时搬家换房,蔚为壮观。
- A wander through the colonial concessions is the best way to start a night in tianjin .
- 漫步于天津的各个租界是在这个城市开启夜生活的最佳方式。
- Mr feldmann estimates around seven hedge funds are operating in tianjin .
- 麦天岳估计,目前天津约有7家对冲基金。
- The eco-city tianjin certainly is a similar project , but it is financed by the government .
- 天津生态城是一个类似的项目,但它是政府出资的。
- For hard-core athletes , the great wall marathon is staged every may near tianjin .
- 如果你是资深运动员,可以来参见长城马拉松,每年五月在天津举办。
- But the sales for industrial energy-saving projects in tianjin huaneng remain stable and healthy for the whole year .
- 但天津华能的工业节能项目其销售在全年保持了稳定,健康的发展。
- The largest indoor ski venue is under construction at tianjin .
- 全球最大的室内滑雪场正在天津动工兴建。