The problem is that , after the authors have finished instructing their readers in what not to do , the concept of gamification is left looking somewhat threadbare .
It also tears a hole in the already threadbare euro-zone safety net , the european financial stability fund .
Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak .
She produced the old threadbare excuses -- the alarm didn 't go off , the train was late , etc.
On his arrest , he had been careful to take with him a threadbare cap and a shabby sheepskin coat that he had saved from his years in exile .
Or , on a smaller scale , you may want to take inventory of your linens to see if you need to replenish some that have become threadbare .
Holes have not only appeared in the bank 's accounts ; its initial version of events is also looking threadbare .
It is not one of london 's grander clubs . The furniture is dowdy , the carpet threadbare .
Meanwhile , an already threadbare safety net keeps thinning .
Threadbare sales had prompted some onlookers to question whether all the exhibitors would still be around come autumn .