

n.(法庭上证人的)证词( testimony的名词复数 );证明,证据

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Other cells in al jalame and petah tikva prisons are also used for solitary confinement , but cell 36 is the one cited most often in these testimonies .
But testimonies from residents with relatives in the town and thousands of refugees fleeing to turkey suggest the regime is facing the defections of small but significant proportions of its forces who then clashed among themselves .
It is impossible to know how representative their testimonies are , but they provide an alternative picture of the " most moral army in the world " , as the idf describes itself .
It 's that we 're collectively engaged in a mass conversion of what we used to call , variously , records , accounts , entries , archives , registers , collections , keepsakes , catalogs , testimonies and memories into , simply , data .
From the testimonies of convicted drug kingpins , mexican authorities believe it has typically worked something like this .
Israel is discomfited by these testimonies , she said , partly because of the universality of military service .
Many testimonies are in line with claims by amnesty international and other human rights organisations that israeli actions were indiscriminate and disproportionate .
Each week the court and its audience have continued to hear an array of bone-chilling testimonies from victims and their family members .