As I stood underneath the tepid jet , watching the dirty brown water disappear down the plug , it felt as if each drop was sent from heaven .
Instead , a typical lunch comprised a bowl of tepid reconstituted powdered milk ( japan relied on food aid from america ) , over-boiled unidentifiable ingredients ( often whale meat for its cheapness ) and a white bread roll ( also thanks to the us ) .
And the tepid united states economy , rock-bottom natural gas prices and lingering questions about federal wind energy policy have stalled the american wind industry , which currently represents only about 85000 jobs .
Though he is black , blacks gave him only tepid support early on in his tenure ; and he then scandalised many whites with his call in 2006 for new orleans to remain a " chocolate city " .
In may , for example , the imf predicted that asia 's recovery was likely to be " tepid " because the developed economies-and hence demand for asian exports-would remain weak .