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易混淆的单词: TEPE

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Similar pillars and images occurred in ppn settlements up to a hundred miles from g bekli tepe .
With its massive , t-shaped stone pillars carved with images of animals , g bekli tepe is challenging long-held assumptions about the origins of civilisation .
In fact research at other sites in the region has shown that within 1 000 years of gobekli tepe 's construction settlers had corralled sheep cattle and pigs .
Schmidt emphasizes that further research on g bekli tepe may change his current understanding of the site 's importance .
The lack of evidence of houses , for instance , doesn 't prove that nobody lived at g bekli tepe .
He believes that g bekli tepe was built by a laboring class , maybe even by slaves .
So far , all the mammals represented at g bekli tepe are visibly male , with the exception of one fox , which , in place of a penis , has several snakes coming out of its abdomen .
At the time of g bekli tepe 's construction much of the human race lived in small nomadic bands that survived by foraging for plants and hunting wild animals .
If g bekli tepe was the garden of eden , where these demands first came into being , then there is a certain logic in the identification of urfa with abraham 's birthplace .
The high emotional and political stakes of this question were manifested in a cover article inder spiegelin 2006 , which proposed g bekli tepe as the historical site of the garden of eden .