

n.第十(个)( tenth的名词复数 );十分之一;第十的,第十个的;十分之一的

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Professor lupin said eight tenths ?
Demographers had seen this moment coming . The 2010 census showed the differential between town and country to be within a mere few tenths of a percentage point . And yet it is still a remarkable turnaround .
When we add the tenths place , and use the approximation 3.1 for pi , our error is only about 1.3 percent .
To map the moon 's gravity , scientists will be making measurements as precise as a couple of tenths of a micron per second . A micron is about the size of a red blood cell .
So you are to make an offering lifted up to the lord from all the tenths which you get from the children of israel , giving out of it the lord 's lifted offering to aaron the priest .
Last november the alpha collaboration at cern , which dr hangst leads , managed to put positrons into orbit around 38 antiprotons-thus creating anti-hydrogen atoms-and then held on to them in a magnetic trap for a few tenths of a second .
There was ten tenths cloud at that time .
It was one hundred and two and four tenths .
Sure there are some set-up possibilities to find a couple of tenths but that will become an issue later .
Because 95 tenths associated the printer to trade the high disposition newly to transfer on the low price the contact method .