
v.由电视播送( televise的现在分词 );电视拍摄
televising 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He promised to knock heads together to achieve health-care reform and shine a light on the legislative process by televising live meetings to discuss policy .
- 他曾保证要团结一致实现医疗改革,并对政策讨论会进行电视直播从而提高立法程序透明度。
- I don 't understand why , after that 12 hours delay in televising the opening , they cannot find time to insert the commercial whellole including the whole ceremony !
- 我不明白为啥,延迟了12钟头之后才播放,他们还找不出事件在播放整个仪式的同时插播广告!
- Nbc continued to broadcast the event until 1960 when the abc network took over , televising the festivities through 1970 , after which nbc resumed the broadcasts . Abc once again took over broadcast duties in 1976 ; it is under contract to do so through the year 2014 .
- 此后nbc一直直播奥斯卡颁奖礼,指导1960年abc买下了转播权;1970年nbc再次买下转播权;abc再次拿到奥斯卡转播权是在1976年,根据当时的合同abc的转播权一直会到2014年。
- This popularity has resulted , not just from fans flooding through turnstiles into enormous stadiums , but from mass media coverage , where millions are paid for the exclusive right of televising matches and tournaments .
- 这导致声望,不仅来自球迷成巨大的洪水通过入闸赛场,但从媒体报道,百万支付专用权和比赛转播联赛.
- This popularity has come about , not only from supporters flooding through entrances into enormous stadiums , but from media coverage , where millions are paid for the privilege of televising games and competitions .
- 这个声望来,不仅从洪水支持者透过体育场入口成巨大,但从媒体报道凡支付百万特权转播奥运会比赛.
- This popularity has happened , not only from supporters flooding through entrances into massive stadiums , but from multimedia exposure , where fortunes are paid for the exclusive right of televising matches and competitions .
- 这个声望已经发生,不仅支持者大量洪水通过体育场入口处进入,但是从多媒体体验那里运气支付专有权赛事转播和比赛.
- This popularity has come about , not simply from fans flooding through entrances into massive arenas , but from media coverage , where fortunes are paid for the right of televising games and tournaments .
- 这个声望来,不只是从球迷入口进入,通过大规模水灾赛场,但从媒体报道那里运气支付游戏及联赛转播权.
- This situation has happened , not merely from spectators flooding through entranceways into gigantic arenas , but from mass media exposure , where millions are paid for the exclusive right of televising matches and tournaments .
- 这种情况已经发生,不仅仅来自观众透过entranceways成巨型舞台水患,但是从媒体曝光,百万支付专用权和比赛转播联赛.
- This popularity has come about , not only from supporters flooding through entrances into enormous arenas , but from mass media exposure , where millions are paid for the right of televising matches and tournaments .
- 这个声望来,不仅从入口进入,通过巨大的洪水支持者赛场,但从媒体曝光,支付数百万比赛和联赛的转播权.
- This situation has happened , not simply from supporters flooding through entrances into enormous arenas , but from media exposure , where vast sums are paid for the exclusive right of televising games and competitions .
- 这种情况已经发生,不能简单地从入口进入,通过巨大的洪水支持者赛场,但从媒体曝光,那里大量支付专有权转播奥运会比赛.