

n.同情者( sympathizer的名词复数 );同意者;支持者

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Videos posted on youtube by rebel sympathizers showed graphic images of mangled bodies being pulled from the rubble .
Unlike the poles , czechs had been far more divided about germany before the war began , and many were nazi sympathizers .
Boehner will have a challenge selling whatever agreement he might reach to conservative tea party sympathizers in the house , some of whom are openly critical of the concessions the speaker has already made , particularly his openness to revenue increases of any kind .
When the fighting is over , we will reckon with the enemy 's sympathizers .
Their opinion about the environment does not have many sympathizers .
To the occupiers and their sympathizers , I say vote - not with the ballot , but with your feet .
Wikileaks became the target of denial-of-service attacks and lost the support of its hosting and payment providers , which inspired sympathizers to counterattack , briefly bringing down the sites of master card and a few other companies .
The functioning of its followers and sympathizers around the globe and particularly in europe has become increasingly autonomous , especially since the nato-led military operation forced al-qaeda 's leadership out of its former haven in afghanistan for refuge in pakistan .
As time passed , these disparate groups became increasingly autonomous , often working with minimal funding or sourcing funds from sympathizers independently from the main al qaeda leadership .
Tens of thousands of union sympathizers from across america converged in madison , wisconsin 's capital , to protest against a plan by scott walker , the new republican governor , to end collective-bargaining in the public sector .