swords 变化形式
易混淆的单词: SwordsSWORDS
swords 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In medieval times knights wore swords only in battle or out hunting .
- 中世纪骑士只有在打仗或外出打猎的时候用剑。
- Sometimes words hurt more than swords .
- 恶语有时伤比刀剑更厉害。
- Guns and swords are weapons .
- 枪炮和刀剑是武器。
- Sometimes text impair more than swords .
- 恶语有时伤人比刀剑更厉害。
- Here are swords where is the ire ?
- 这有几把剑但愤怒在哪?
- His words were softer than oil , yet were they drawn swords .
- 他的言语比油还柔和,确是拔出的刀。
- Many are free : you pay only for extras such as magic swords .
- 大部分免费:你只需支付购买诸如魔法剑之类的道具的费用。
- Or the lingering myth of medieval chivalry that turns knightly swords and lances into imaginative wonders ?
- 或者挥之不去的中世纪骑士传说使得骑士剑和长矛成为想象力的奇观?
- He collects antique samurai swords , has owned a pet cobra and speaks with a high-flown massachusetts brahmin accent .
- 他收藏古董武士刀,豢养眼镜蛇,讲一口夸张的麻省娑罗门英语。
- But they were carrying large swords .
- 但他们却是提着长剑来的。