
v.(使)发飒飒声( swish的现在分词 );发嗖嗖声;噪声
swishing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Swishing green tea around the mouth may inhibit cavity-causing bacteria .
- 以绿茶漱口可能抑制导致牙齿空洞的细菌。
- Suddenly a swishing sound came out of the quiet .
- 安静的屋子,突然传来了绦雕的声音。
- In less than two hours ground-to-air rockets were swishing through the air .
- 不出两个钟头,地对空火箭就在空中呼啸了。
- Suddenly a swishing sound came out of the quiet room .
- 安静的屋子,突然传来了的声音。
- Eagerly they spread themselves out , swishing and swinging their new weapons .
- 他们急切地传播自己的,swishing摆动着他们的新武器。
- My grandfather is now swishing off the branches of a tree .
- 我爷爷正在嚓嚓地剪树枝。
- A cub takes a playful bite of a relative 's swishing tail in the african plains .
- 非洲草原一头幼兽咬住一同族漂亮的尾巴玩耍。
- That means huge flows of money swishing around the banking system , temporarily being lodged with the custodian bank of the ipo deals .
- 这意味着巨额资金在银行系统中四处流动,暂时存放在ipo交易托管银行的帐户中。
- The tree was swishing in a wind the giants could not feel , and the voices of the birds came only whispering down .
- 树在巨人感受不到的风中飒飒作响,鸟儿的声音只能隐约地传下来。
- Swapping jeans is a good place to start : remember , one man 's skinnies are his mate 's straight legs . Be daring next year the 90s are back , so swishing a pair of leggings for a pair of cycling shorts is not the extreme folly it once was .
- 交换牛仔裤就是一个不错的选择记住,一个人的紧身裤可能就是他同伴的宽松裤,大胆一点明年90年代的风格将强势回归,所以用一双护腿去换一条骑行裤并不再是愚蠢的事情。