
suppliers 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Suppliers
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- Meat in the u.s. , the company insists , comes from u.s. suppliers .
- 宜家坚持认为,美国店面销售的肉来自于美国的供应商。
- . What suppliers , margins , cash flow will get them there ?
- 选择什么样的供应商、获得多少利润与现金流才能达成目标?
- It 's also one of the major suppliers of vending machines .
- 此外,它也是主要的自动售货机供应商。
- The plants rely mostly on parts suppliers that also operate locally .
- 这些工厂主要依靠当地的零部件供应商供货。
- Capacitor suppliers avx ( avx ) and kemet ( kem ) .
- 电容器供应商AVX与KEMET。
- Suppliers are becoming less accommodating .
- 供应商也不那么随和了。
- Two suppliers were condemned to death .
- 两名供应商被判处死刑。
- Industrial suppliers have also been hit .
- 工业供应商也遭受了打击。
- Suppliers are scrambling to keep up .
- 煤炭供应商正争先恐后增加供应。
- Private suppliers still face considerable hurdles .
- 民营供应商仍面临巨大的障碍。