In particular they explored a quantum phenomenon called superposition , where a particle can be in two states at once .
Physicists have questioned whether large objects can follow quantum laws ever since erwin schrdinger 's thought-experiment suggested a cat could exist in a superposition of being both alive and dead .
The answer is very simple : never suppress a dependent source in a superposition problem .
The physical meaning of the phase factors in wave function and the relationship between relative phases of quantum states and superposition principle are discussed .
While the quantum paths remain in a quantum superposition , the importance of a page is the probability of finding the crawler on that page at any instant .
In a quantum computer these normal bits are replaced by a " superposition " ( the qubit ) of both 0 and 1 that is unique to the ambiguous world of quantum mechanics .
Perhaps the crater created the radial rays , or perhaps the two features appear only by a chance superposition -- the topic is sure to be one of future research .
The false-colour image shows a laser beam exhibiting a superposition of 10 right-handed and 10 left-handed quanta of orbital angular momenta , making 20 bright spots on the inner ring .