Ten years ago , the so-called superbug mrsa caused front-page panic .
A superbug is spreading around america , and has hit southern california .
" This new strain is likely to transform a common and once easily treatable infection into a global threat to public health , " caution the researchers who discovered the new multidrug-resistant superbug in a statement .
Ten years ago , scientists believed the greatest threat from drug-resistant infections involved what are known as gram-positive bacteria , which include the so-called superbug mrsa ( methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ) .
There is always a risk of catching something when you are there , even though the superbug mrsa and c difficile rates have come down and are not so much discussed at the moment .
Antibiotic resistanceis the ability of a microorganism to withstand the effects of anantibiotic . Antibiotic resistance develops through mutation or plasmid exchange between bacteria of the same species . If a bacterium carries several resistance genes , it is called multiresistant or , informally , a superbug .
According to self contributor maryn mckenna , author of superbug : the fatal menace of mrsa , we should at the very least be cautious and aware .
Another superbug that 's been around for a while but has also taken a recent media tour is clostridium difficile ( c. diff ) , which can be spread when antibiotics wipe out normal intestinal bacteria that keep c. diff in check .