

n.(旅行用的)手提箱( suitcase的名词复数 );衣箱

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Conservationists say smugglers pack up to 400 baby tortoises in suitcases , before flying to cities such as bangkok .
Series of unique suitcases and trunks designed by sarah jane williams .
Let me see , passports , tickets , our suitcases and money .
That is good both for those who arrive with suitcases and dreams and for those who should welcome them .
Fire did not break out and within a minute those capable of walking began staggering out of the ruptured plane , stepping over debris and burst suitcases .
Now , if tortoises do not end up in the rubbish heaps of restaurants , they end up in the suitcases of tortoise smugglers .
This mass exchange of goods paid for in cash and carted across oceans in suitcases or flimsy old cardboard boxes makes chungking mansions one of the most unlikely , but arguably one of the most prolific , centres for low-end globalisation .
But that would be to miss the point of what amazon is trying to do this is a device that does more than most users need , allowing direct shopping for kindle books over wifi and offering suitcases worth of storage capacity .
Investigators found that paying backhanders was so ingrained that the company even had dedicated " cash desks " where employees could fill suitcases with banknotes that would be used to secure contracts .
Best luggage : ok , perhaps I have become a bit of a luggage snob , but ever since my husband bought me some louis vuitton suitcases I have found that I get better service .