

sugary 含糖的,甜的
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- Avoid all sugary drinks , and yes this means diet drinks as well .
- 避免所有含糖饮料,这也同时意味着日常饮料也是这样的。
- Sugary drinks may not be nutritious , but hamburgers contain some protein along with their fat .
- 含糖饮料可能也没有营养,但是汉堡包在含脂肪的同时也包含有蛋白质。
- A recent proposal to tax sugary drinks , for example , went nowhere .
- 比如说,进来一项对含糖饮料征税的提案就无疾而终。
- They may also help to reduce your cravings for sugary foods , and maintain stable blood sugar levels .
- 他们还可以帮助减少你对含糖的食物的渴望,并维持稳定的血糖水平。
- Congress is considering a tax on sugary drinks to help pay for the planned expansion of health-care coverage .
- 国会正在考虑对含糖饮料征税,以帮助支付即将实行的扩大医疗保健覆盖面的计划。
- Milk 's proteins ( whey and casein ) can make you feel more satisfied than sugary drinks .
- 牛奶蛋白(乳清蛋白和酪蛋白)比含糖饮料更能使你更产生饱足感。
- About a third of new yorkers drink one or more sugary drinks a day , according to the city .
- 根据不同的城市,大约有三分之一的纽约人每天喝至少一杯的含糖饮料。
- I know the medical benefits of weight loss , and I don 't drink sugary sodas or eat fast food .
- 我知道减肥对身体的好处,而且我已不再喝含糖碳酸饮料,也不再吃快餐。
- Obviously sugary foods will give you a quick rush but you will also have a quick low afterward .
- 显然,含糖的食物会使你的血糖含量迅速升高,但这之后血糖便会迅速降低。
- Added salt and processed foods should be kept to a minimum in a child 's diet , as should sugary foods and drinks .
- 加盐和盐制食品应保持在孩子的饮食要求的最低限度,含糖的食物和饮料也一样。