It may be listed as corn syrup , sucrose , malt , glucose , molasses , fructose , maltose or fruit juice concentrate .
" As soon as we detected melting , decomposition components of sucrose started showing up , " she said .
Corn syrup is used as a substitute for table sugar ( sucrose ) , and is equally rich in calories .
When researchers increased the concentration of sucrose , a type of sugar , in mixtures containing s. salivarius frua and s. mutans , the beneficial bacterium lost its ability to prevent biofilm formation .
Parents need to check ingredient lists for hidden sugars such as brown rice syrup , dextrose , fructose , molasses , sucrose , corn sweetener , barley malt syrup , fruit juice concentrates , glucose , cane juice syrup and sorghum , she told healthday .
For the study of 2696 men and women aged 40 to 59 picked in eight areas of the u. s.and two areas of the u. k. , the researchers examined the association between blood pressure and intake of glucose , fructose , sucrose in sodas and diet sodas , and sodium .