This was the way my interview would work . Sally would fire my questions to ellen at very close range and ellen would take her time , then reply succinctly .
Mr bush put it just as succinctly but a little less eloquently earlier this year when he said : " I 'm the decider and I decide what 's best . "
William dunkelberg , an economist at the national federation of independent business , puts it more succinctly : " there 's just a huge amount of uncertainty . And when you 're uncertain , you don 't make bets . "
Most crucially , mr verrilli seemed to make little progress in persuading conservative justices that allowing the mandate would not give congress unlimited power . " Could you express your limiting principle as succinctly as you possibly can ? "
Professor alan sweezy , for example , seizes on a sentence of irving fisher 's which very succinctly expressed the concept of demonstrated preference : " each individual acts as he desires . "