

subulate 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Inner filaments subulate , entire at base .
- 钻形的内轮花丝,基部全缘。
- Sepals acuminate or subulate , subequal .
- 萼片渐尖的或钻形,近等长。
- Characterized by the subulate appendage at the junction of connective and filament .
- 在药隔和花丝的连接点以钻形的附属物为特点。
- Branchlets stout , densely brown tomentose , hairs intermixed with subulate scales .
- 小枝粗,浓密棕色绒毛,毛与钻形鳞片混生。
- Branchlets and petioles with unguicular or subulate scales .
- 有具爪的或钻形规模的小枝和叶柄。
- Calyx teeth minute , subulate ; bracteoles present or absent .
- 萼齿小,钻形;小苞片存在或无。
- Ovary compressed ovoid ; stigmas 2 , subulate , papillate .
- 子房压扁卵球形;柱头2,钻形,具乳突。
- Inflorescences paniculate , terminal ; stigma subulate , not lobed .
- 花序圆锥状,顶生;钻形的柱头,不裂。
- Style elongated , subulate ; stigma capitate or obscurely 3-lobed .
- 花柱拉长,钻形;柱头头状或者稍3裂。
- Style 1 , subulate ; stigma ca. as long as or shorter than style , ligulate .
- 花柱1,钻形;柱头约等长于或短于花柱,舌状。