In britain home-equity withdrawals added the equivalent of 3 % of post-tax income to households in the fourth quarter of 2007 but subtracted 3 % a year later .
From that paltry total were subtracted 11000 in lost government jobs .
They subtracted all the loans that you received this year , azulai .
There is a minus before the number to be subtracted .
Drops in state-government spending subtracted 0.1 % from output for all of 2009 .
The mindset of the moment is that power ceded to the union is authority subtracted from national capitals .
Net exports subtracted 4.2 percentage points from growth in 2009 , the first time net exports contracted since 1999 .
One possibility for the gap is that he made large charitable contributions , itemized deductions that are subtracted from adjusted gross income .
Reasoning that these youngsters would never welcome me as a house guest , fearing perhaps that they 'd have to get out the defibrillator , I subtracted nine years from my age on the profile .