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Because archaea use small amounts of energy , they could be similar to potential alien organisms ; ones possible living in subsurface aquifers of mars , for example .
Astrobiologists are particularly interested in the subsurface because it can help them understand how microbes might survive deep beneath the topsoil of other planets .
Geothermal energy , using heat extracted from subsurface sources , has a high potential for innovation and development , and could contribute to a sustainable energy mix .
The authors showed that the biofilms contained a number of unique organisms associated with the deep subsurface , and therefore such films might be an excellent place to search for new and unusual species of microbes .
The photo below that shows long cracks in the surface of europa , which indicate a deep subsurface ocean , a possible location to search for life in the solar system .
" We don 't really understand how it is that the organisms in a hydrothermal vent in greece or a deep gold mine in south africa are related to organisms that we find in a subsurface cave " at naica , suttle said .
Today , geologists can not only create from seismic imaging detailed 3d images of the subsurface but also can differentiate whether the fluids in the rocks are oil , gas or water .
The water will migrate downward through slushy ice to the subsurface ocean within a few tens of thousands of years , researchers reported today at the european planetary science congress in madrid .
Recent images returned from phoenix are already revealing clues about subsurface ice on the red planet .
Lee discovered bacteria in subsurface sediment obtained from port botany , respired chloroform instead of oxygen .