[bɪˈæŋkə, ˈbjɑ:ŋkə]

[ˈbjɑŋkɑ, bɪˈɑŋkə]

bianca 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We got to pick up bianca .
- 我们得把比安卡接上。
- May I ask you a couple questions ? Do you know a bianca desmond ?
- 问你几个问题好吗?你认识一个叫比安卡德斯蒙德的人吗?
- Bianca is my sweet little girl who like many kids of her age is very dynamic and curious .
- 我的小宝贝女儿比安卡像她同龄的孩子们一样活泼好动,并且充满好奇心。
- Bianca . Why , whose is it ?
- 比恩卡那麽这是谁的?
- You know my sister , bianca ?
- 你还认识我姐姐比昂卡?
- How would I tell bianca her father 's dead ?
- 我怎么开口对比安卡说她爸爸已经死了呢?
- Ask bianca who drove her home .
- 问问比安卡是谁开车送她回来的.
- Bianca nudged me and smiled .
- 比安卡捅了我一下,笑了。
- Bianca ? Can you make this iittle man something to eat ?
- 布兰卡?能给这小东西弄些吃的吗?
- Bianca raised her eyebrows at me suggestively .
- 比安卡我她的眉毛上提出暗示性。