I have never seen anything so sublime ( see the other side ) in my life !
They have other benefits too , including sublime architecture , better marriage partners and a huge career boost .
In the sublime churches of hispanic america I discovered how deeply imbued I am with the culture of catholicism .
But in the strange world of management writing , it is only a short step from the sublime to the ridiculous .
Skyscrapers are cool , but it 's the mountains , beaches and crazy monkeys that make hong kong truly sublime
The great tory thinker edmund burke wrote a book about the appeal of the " sublime " in art , arguing that a public execution will always draw a bigger crowd than a play .
And it certainly wouldn 't lie in the transcendent goodness of that mind-one so sublime , we fold it into a larger " soul . "
Using an apple product could be as sublime as walking in one of the zen gardens of kyoto that jobs loved , and neither experience was created by worshipping at the altar of openness or by letting a thousand flowers bloom .
Whether the hostage-takers and killers of innocents are in uniform or not , or what kind of weapons they use-whether bombs or blades-does not change anything ; neither does the fact that they may appeal to sublime ideals .
There are sublime moments and stretches of intensive , heady learning , but sedentary life can offer these too , and asking claire and I why we travelled had become like asking other people why they stayed still .