
v.征服,降伏( subjugate的现在分词 )
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- One might imagine a culture where mysticism and ritual encourage subjugating entire planets in a missionary conquest of the galaxy .
- 也许有人想象过这样一种文明,神秘和仪式促使它征服整个星球,而这只是征服并在整个银河系传教的一部分。
- Over the past 50 years , the financial industry has built a huge infrastructure to manage investments and along the way has been roundly criticised for seemingly subjugating the welfare of society to short-term profits .
- 在过去50年中,金融业为管理投资已建立了规模庞大的基础设施,与此同时,由于似乎为短期利润而牺牲了社会福利,受到了严厉指责。
- Obviously subjugating people by threatening their lives is wrong .
- 显然靠恐吓来征服人民是不对的。
- The empire pressed these gentle , amphibious people into war by subjugating their watery world .
- 帝国对他们海洋星球的征服将这些温和的两栖种族推入了战争。
- " Training " the mind does not in any way mean forcibly subjugating or brainwashing the mind .
- “锻炼”心灵并不是要强制征服或洗脑。
- This is a difficult responsibility to embrace . For human history has often been a record of nations and tribes subjugating one another to serve their own interests .
- 这是一项艰难的责任;人类的历史常常是国家、部落甚至宗教为自身利益征服他方的历史。