英音  [ˈstrɒntɪəm]    
美音 [ˈstrɑ:nʃɪəm]    


所属分类: TEM8


strontium 锶
来自苏格兰村庄名 Strontian,该矿物发现地,-ium,元素后缀。

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In two generations , most of the radioactive cesium and strontium will have decayed , and most of the liquidators who put their lives on the line will be gone .
A cooling system in a tank with 80 tons of liquid radioactive waste failed . The temperature rose suddenly and the tank exploded , sending a plume of radioactive nastiness like cesium and strontium over hundreds of kilometers .
These fragments were then analysed to test for particular isotopes , or forms , of the metallic element strontium , which can reveal the geological region where individuals were raised .
If the japanese nuclear core were to melt , certain radioactive materials , such as iodine , strontium and cesium , would also be released .
The ratio of two strontium isotopes in bones or teeth provides a signature of the local environment in which an animal grew up , lee-thorp says . " It 's a kind of forensic tool . "
Mr. shirata contracted with a tokyo-based lab that specialized in qrs to perform the tests , which cost $ 100 and claim to spot the presence of eight radioactive substances , including iodine , cesium and strontium .
Concerns center on damage to a part of the reactor core known as the suppression pool , which helps cool and trap the majority of cesium , iodine , strontium in its water . The nature of the damage was unclear , as was its impact on the containment structure , a thick steel vessel that surrounds the core .
The researchers also measured the strontium in 170 plants and animals currently living near the caves to get a sense of the different strontium signatures of the region , including the thin malmani dolomite formation that includes both caves .
The red colours are manufactured using strontium .
The base is made of a strontium titanate crystal , with a thin layer of lanthanum aluminate on top .