
n.(尤指飞行旅程中的)中途停留( stopover的名词复数 )
stopovers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Stopovers permitted at australian international gateways only .
- 仅允许在澳大利亚国际门户中途分程。
- Dubai stopovers united arab emirates visa application form .
- 迪拜经停酒店--阿联酋签证申请表。
- The ticket allows you two stopovers between london and tokyo .
- 此票允许在伦敦到东京途中逗留两次。
- One in a series of moves and stopovers , as with a circus or road show .
- 巡回演出如马戏团或巡回演出的一系列中途停留地之一上一页。
- Selected flight contains stopovers ( see long text )
- 选择的包括中途停留的航班(请看长文本)
- So we have staggered the journey over five trains , four of them overnight , with brief stopovers to draw breath .
- 所以我们共乘了五列火车来完成这次旅行,其中有四辆是过夜火车,途中只有短暂的停留。
- Britain has allowed 170 secret cia flights connected to the illegal " seizure " of terror suspects to make stopovers at its airports , a draft european parliament report claimed .
- 欧洲议会一份草拟报告声称,英国曾容许一百七十架涉及非法「拘留」嫌疑恐怖份子的中情局飞机,中途在其境内机场停留。
- Define rates for the domestic part with stopovers .
- 定义国内中途停留部分的费率。
- Nearby regions and cities like champagne or chartres provide very different types of breaks where you can explore cave or cathedral -- both charming weekend stopovers .
- 巴黎附近的地区和城市如香槟或沙特尔也能给你不同的度假体验,在那里你可以探访山洞和教堂,这些都是理想的周末度假地。
- Even as trade and investment have boomed in recent years , executives and tourists traveling between taiwan and china have been forced to make time-consuming stopovers in third locations like hong kong .
- 虽然近年来两岸之间的贸易和投资迅速发展,但当企业高管和游客们往来于两地时却不得不在香港这样的第三地进行中转,十分耗时。