

stinger 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Stinger
stinger 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Is he the one who sucked the stinger out of your thigh ?
- 他是那个替你啜毒的人?
- She jabs him with her stinger , and he goes as limp as a boned fish .
- 她先用毒刺刺他他就像死鱼一样动弹不得。
- Instead , take a credit card and drag it across the surface of the skin where the stinger is poking out .
- 相反,拿一张信用卡,在被蜇部位的皮肤表面拖过去。
- I don 't see a stinger .
- 我没看到有刺.
- Unlike real scorpions , these creatures lack a long post-abdomen stinger .
- 不像真正的蝎子,这些生物缺少长长的后腹部尾刺。
- Richard a jones defends the striped stinger of summer .
- 理查琼斯保护这种夏天的有刺动物。
- Follow these easy steps to find out how to remove a bee stinger and treat yourself with lemons .
- 遵循以下简单的步骤,学习怎样使用柠檬来除刺止痛。