Broadly speaking , the genes less active in the lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections .
Thursday 's agreement succeeded in staving off an imminent collapse of the eurozone . That is undoubtedly its greatest achievement .
First , many women believe that sunscreen alone is effective at staving off skin damage .
He 'd been staving off bankruptcy for some years but now he 'd exhausted his credit . He hadn 't a shot left in the locker .
And yet again , the ecb will end up staving it off .
But the evidence isn 't really there to recommend it for staving off cancer .
But genes that help control cellular responses to famine , drought and other survival stresses may play a key role in staving off the diseases and chronic ailments of aging , research suggests .
Dramatic film of staving african children may help get the story on the air , but film of fire victims leaping to their deaths from high buildings is better .
A more effective approach to staving off potential unrest in urban areas would be to increase investment , not in more hardware , but in human capital .
That is revving recovery in big emerging economies , while only staving off a relapse into recession in much of the rich world .