
stationed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As other parts picked up arms , protesters in daraya offered roses and water to the soldiers stationed in their hometown .
- 当其余地区纷纷拿起武器之际,达拉亚镇的抗议者为驻扎在他们家乡的士兵送上玫瑰和饮水。
- About 600 u.s. special operation troops are currently stationed in the philippines to advise local forces in their fight with al-qaida-linked rebels .
- 目前大约有600名美国特种部队军人驻扎在菲律宾,为当地军队跟与基地组织有联系的反政府力量作战提供咨询。
- Eight thousand un troops are stationed in liberia .
- 8000人的联合国维和部队进驻利比里亚。
- The sheer military might of the united states is unquestioned - u. s.troops are among the best trained and equipped in the world and they are stationed in some 130 countries .
- 美国军力的绝对优势是不容质疑的,美国的军队在世界上是经受过最好的训练、配备最精良装备的军队之一,他们在130来个国家有驻军。
- Some workers were stationed in the marshes , where they used bangers to scare birds away from oil-slicked sites .
- 一些工人就站在沼泽里用爆竹来驱赶小鸟,避免它们落在油滑的地方。
- Where was he stationed ?
- 他是被派到哪?
- There was no evacuation of the roughly 1000 workers stationed at daiichi after the high radiation levels were discovered .
- 在如此高的辐射等级被测出后,安置在第一核电站的周围的约1000名工人并没有撤离。
- The army has stationed at least five tanks and two other armored vehicles outside the presidential complex .
- 在总统府外面政府军至少部署了5辆坦克和两辆其他装甲车。
- Law of the people 's republic of china on diplomatic personnel stationed abroad .
- 中华人民共和国驻外外交人员法-法律一站通。
- I talk with reporter of the foreign country that be stationed in beijing , I say us these brainpower very yearning week premier .
- 一回我和驻京国外本报特邀记者交谈,我就讲咱们这一些科学成员全部非常怀恋周总统。