Also keep your bronzer and self-tanner understated or you may run the risk of spotlighting tell-tale orange streaks .
While it requires a strong government to pass regulations from the top , it also can 't work without a strong , independent civil society acting as a watchdog , spotlighting polluters and suing businesses that do not comply .
The new york times allows developers to work its trove of data into smaller pieces of content into twitter feeds , spotlighting local voting records of local congressional representatives , bestseller lists for use in shopping over the ipad , even data-driven visual art based on word frequency .
Basic " rules of thumb " dictate that facades and architectural features should be illuminated from below ; spotlighting brings out textures more effectively while foliage can be made more dramatic by placing lamps below or behind it .
With the mixer 's whir , colorful overhead spotlighting and white tendrils of liquid nitrogen vapor flowing , predominantly custard-based ice cream concoctions are made-to-order at sweet freeze .
This is the first in a series spotlighting various types of malware .
International criticism about the adequacy of japan 's radiation monitoring and disclosure is spotlighting the government 's handling of potential hazards to the public .