Do not expect that debate to be as placid as the spotless sun .
While factories are spotless , the air inside nearby teahouses is hazy with the smoke and stench of cigarettes .
Much modern manufacturing takes place on spotless shop floors with only the lightest sprinkling of staff to monitor the purring machinery .
This time tinette appeared with a spotless white cap perched on the top of her head and a mocking expression of face .
Mr. peters , in goggles and spotless rubber gloves , declined to shake hands recently , just as a surgeon might on the way into the operator room .
And this city would be spotless , with fresh-laid sewage pipes , fresh-dug drains , and an army of workers to deep-clean the streets on a regular basis .
Of course , for most of us , this perfect , safe , perpetually educational environment is unobtainable ; an ineffable dream we can browse through in dwell , or some other beautiful magazine , with the starkly perfect oeuf toddler bed , the spotless nursery .