All manner of still-classified digital decoys , spoofs and " ghosts " were used in both gulf wars to fool iraqi forces into revealing their covert locations .
In recent years , spoofs , online violence , human search engines and other emotionality and irrational behavior have caused public concern . This kind of behavior harms online harmony , violates the rights of others , endangers public benefit and should be stopped .
These spoofs are meant to poke fun at apple and its legion of fans .
Oliver smith , an intellectual property lawyer with keystone law , said the judgment 's impact on other musical spoofs and tribute acts would likely be limited .
In contrast , an audience of college educated professionals is going to derive more entertainment from clever conversations , snappy wordplay , topical references ( i.e. , current politics ) , parodies / spoofs of blockbuster films , sarcastic observations about human foibles , and abstract " what if " concepts .