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spectrometry 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

He has already recruited jun qin of baylor college of medicine in houston , texas , as chief technical officer of the mass spectrometry centre .
Mass spectrometry , for example , can havedifficulty identifying a single component from within a mixture of manymolecules .
And a liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis of sample meteorites and the environments where they were found seems to confirm this .
To distinguish between primary and secondary aerosols , the scientists used techniques such as mass spectrometry to determine the amount of elemental carbon , water-soluble carbon , and carbon monoxide in the particles .
In 1988 , mr. davis founded the renowned livermore lab 's center for accelerator mass spectrometry , which reveals the chemical makeup of substances and has helped advance research across many disciplines .
Walter and his colleagues used x-ray fluorescence ( xrf ) spectrometry to determine the composition and thickness of each painted layer of the mona lisa in the louvre museum in paris , where the painting is normally kept behind bulletproof glass .
They also chose a relatively cheap technology , called mass spectrometry , to analyze dna .
They used a technique called secondary ion mass spectrometry ( sims ) , which allowed them to analyze the grains for a compound known as hydroxyl , which can be incorporated into apatite 's chemical structure if the mineral crystallizes from magma that contains water .
They also separated out the dna from the bacteria and analyzed its composition using a technique called high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry ; the isolated dna contained arsenic .
The technique , called secondary ion mass spectrometry , was developed to detect trace amounts of volatile gases such as chlorine and fluorine in earth soil samples .