The shaky math doesn 't stop with these stats , unfortunately , and you can find similar trickery on the spec sheets for other devices .
One feature we felt was exciting enough to tackle now even though the spec is still in flux is client-side database storage .
We were really just correcting an oversight in the spec for robots.txt files .
If you are a web developer , read the http rfc and the html spec .
The spec sheets rarely have room every little thing a phone can do , and some features are obscure enough that marketers don 't feel the need to publicize them .
Then I sat down to write the excel basic spec , a huge document that grew to hundreds of pages . I think it was 500 pages by the time it was done .
It 's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems , running in different environments to make procedure calls over the internet .
Once the spec was finished and the development team got down to work , I had two responsibilities : resolving any questions that came up about the design , and talking to all the other teams so that the developers didn 't have to .