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n.<化>溶剂( solvent的名词复数 )

solvents 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Conditions in the factory were said to be dangerous , with potentially toxic solvents and paints routinely handled by workers with only rudimentary protective gear .
A full 82 percent of all the infants showed exposure to at least one of the 17 solvents measured in the study .
Many causes of cancer are environmental , largely from tobacco , excessive sun exposure and workplace hazards such as chemical solvents and fumes .
The idea of using solvents to get at oil sands was proposed in the 1970s , but early experiments showed that the process couldn 't produce oil quickly enough .
Workplace and household substances - such as industrial heavy metals , pesticides and chemicals in solvents - may affect sperm quantity and quality .
The mixture of hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity in each novel protein means that the resulting materials are often different when different solvents are used , even though the underlying proteins are the same .
The researchers start off by drying their coffee grounds overnight and then pour in some common chemical solvents , such as hexane , ether and dichloromethane , to dissolve the oils .
As a result , alternative solvents have come on the market , claiming to clean just as well but with less harm to humans and the environment .
High-tech recyclers-such as umicore in belgium and xstrata in canada-can recover up to 95 % of the metal using furnaces and solvents .
He is wearing plastic gloves to protect himself from the toxic chemicals in the paint ; some painters prefer the old , poisonous solvents and pigments to the new healthier materials .