
v.无精打采地立、坐或行走( slouch的过去式和过去分词 )
slouched 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A marker of low-grade inflammation called c reactive protein was about three times higher in the study participants who spent the most time slouched in front of a screen .
- 在该研究中那些懒散坐在屏幕前时间最久的参与者身体里,一种称为c反应蛋白的低度炎症标志物含量比正常水平高出两倍。
- He slouched onto the stage to light applause .
- 他无精打采地走上台,台下掌声稀落。
- I 'm often unshaven , dressed in sweats , slouched at my desk .
- 我常常不刮胡子,穿着汗衫,无精打采地坐在桌子上。
- Three truck drivers , slouched at the counter eating their lunch , turned in unison to stare .
- 三卡车司机,在吃他们的午餐柜台无精打采,齐声转身凝视。
- Slouched into work feeling tired , flat and thoroughly out of sorts .
- 懒散地开始工作,感觉疲惫、乏力,而且一点儿都不高兴。
- Soon they switched and the spunky skunk slouched and the stinky slug slumped .
- 很快它们调换了一下,大胆的小人没精打采而臭鼻涕虫掉了下来。
- None of the dozen or so young men and women slouched around the table and across the tattered sofas would agree to be interviewed .
- 懒散地倚在桌子上或窝在破旧沙发里的十几个男女青年抗议者没有一个愿意接受采访。
- The old hobo sat slouched in a corner seat .
- 老流浪汉无精打彩地坐在角落里的座位上。
- The exhausted man slouched along .
- 那个疲惫的人垂头弯腰地走着。
- He slouched his hat over his eyes .
- 他把帽子拉得遮住眼睛。