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sloppiness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The statistics bureau also sometimes seems to practice selective amnesia -- or at least sloppiness -- in its monthly release of property price data of 70 major cities .
Scotland yard is accused of , at best , sloppiness in not investigating the hacking scandal more thoroughly when it first broke in 2005 .
In her opinion the sloppiness and corner-cutting now being revealed is down to management failures much nearer the top of the supply chain .
The idea that countries are in difficulty because of their own sloppiness is easy to reach in the case of greece .
But the irish case also shows that the german view of how the eurozone should work is mistaken : fiscal sloppiness is not the main problem and fiscal retrenchment and debt restructuring are not the sole solutions .
Such data are easily calculated by readers , but the omission gives a sense of sloppiness on the bureau 's part rather than a deliberate attempt at hiding the information .
This time the cause is not the recklessness of their lending , but the sloppiness with which they are dealing with the resulting defaults .
Today , it might seem as though we have returned to the sloppiness of medieval feasting , or even cheddar gorge .
Indeed , if only some way could be found to make the working world a bit more like world of warcraft , then not only would offices vanish , so would all problems of morale , disaffection and sloppiness .
Sloppiness is one thing . But the police tend to be hand-in-glove with popular newspapers . An implicit deal applies : we give you stories , you raise the alarm about criminals on the loose . And , occasionally , put your hand in your pocket too .