Even so , the snails need traction to move across the slippery surface .
Slippery surfaces sometimes would cause a lizard to lose its footing as it jumped , potentially sending it head over heels .
At high speed in slippery bends they provide only a few square centimetres of contact with the road , yet they help a driver steer safely around the corner .
To speak of a land of enchantment , even in reference to a contemporary novel , is to conjure up images of elves , moonbeams and slippery mountains .
The legs , which are slightly curved , resemble those of insects , with tiny hooks on the tips of their feet to provide enough friction to enable movement in a slippery environment .
What if the slippery mr obama , his head brimming with arcane incumbent 's knowledge about pakistan and other tricksy stuff , runs circles around the tongue-tied texan ?