In a series of articles for slate magazine , daniel engber looked into why the mouse is such a mainstay of science - and whether that 's a good thing .
The administration has preferred to act as if the slate has been wiped clean , but the president 's tough stance suggested that the 1979 legal opinion might have new relevance .
Slate formation and culture tone , is the result of the earth 's crust movement , sand and cement ( siliceous content , calcium carbonate , clay , ferric oxide , calcium sulphate , etc. ) after long-term huge pressure compression bonding and form a sedimentary rock .
A frugal person might also decide to just tile the top half or the bottom half of the bathroom in the tile to save money and get the same effect , while keeping the rest in slate or some other matching tile .
The wooden kitchen units ( left ) have been made from a modified ' dresser ' found at the dump , while the bathroom tiles ( right ) have been created from reclaimed welsh slate .
Up close , the structure 's exterior seems a vast pile of mottled slate , tile and brick , which is not far from what it is ; the architects and their construction team salvaged most of the materials from demolition sites in and around ningbo .