Insults or slanders other people , against the legitimate rights and interests of others .
So many slanders are written every day in the daily press against negroes and puerto ricans .
On familiar terms ; pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders .
Said well ; hides light matter which does in the corner does not see , slanders other people are guilty .
In case anyone bespatters or slanders the reputation of a legal person in writing or orally , which results in damages to the legal person , such act shall be determined as act of infringing the right of reputation of the legal person .
Silence is the best answer to slanders .
The woman responded immediately , saying that she would " definitely pursue legal actions against those vicious slanders " .
The case that caught the most international attention was that of the taskmaster : an under-clerk in a shipping office who had organized an army of women-the daughters of the city 's chief families-by sending them letters threatening them with slanders .