Some of the groups think lady gaga 's skimpy clothing and suggestive dance moves and lyrics shouldn 't be allowed in indonesia , the world 's biggest muslim-majority nation .
The result is a welfare state that is skewed rather than skimpy .
I know , I know , all you want is some candy or maybe to see one of your coworkers in a skimpy nurse outfit .
But the evidence was pretty skimpy , and the majority opinion was against our view .
The benefits awaiting america 's unemployed are outdated and skimpy
Moderate job growth , skimpy pay rises and higher petrol prices held growth in income after taxes and inflation to just 0.9 % last year .
Then it hit me : here was a mass of people in skimpy outfits who were clearly very fit -- and had their ages written right on the back of their calves !
Yet that 's the reality that many of us live with : skimpy counter space , a cramped work triangle and precious little space for appliances .
The ceasefire 's actual terms are skimpy . It is unclear what a new monitoring system would look like .
The new government cemented its pact with the city : skimpy regulation in return for the growing tax revenues that helped to fund labour 's social programmes .