

v.公畜( sire的过去式和过去分词 );陛下

sired 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Sired

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The fierce warrior brychen who sired twelve sons and twenty-four daughters and savagely put down all attacks on his kingdom .
There is no reason to assume that luciano sired the ruling syndicate commission idea either .
Came gerald 's voice . " So , I understand ! Then the worthy jonas sired the -- "
Septwolves is now so successful that it has sired a whole lair of lupine copycats .
The old man has sired a boy child at the age of seventy .
The upgraded white rabbits were progenies of hybrid doe of new zealand and rex breeds sired by new zealand buck .
South suffolk sired lambs with their short fine fleece are known to be able to stand a check and still " come again " without having to be shorn , as is the case with the more open wooled breeds .
Indeed mr schuckman , one of hundreds of thousands who came to california during the gold rush , was so typical that he might have remained anonymous , had he not sired an impressive line of californians .
In particular , a recent paper by sheau-fang ng of the university of new south wales showed that gene activity in the pancreases of mice sired by fat fathers is abnormal .
If these assumptions are true , then according to the theory , it is in a male 's evolutionary interest to create a baby that demands as much nourishment and attention as it can from its mother-at the expense of her other children , who were presumably sired by other men .