
n.疾病( sickness的名词复数 );恶心;呕吐;弊病
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- If this order is disturbed and reversed , then will encounter all sorts of sicknesses .
- 若使其错乱及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
- It is because of attachment to the self ( ego ) that affections and sicknesses arise .
- 因为执着了我相,所以才产生了烦恼和疾病。
- Jehovah will make your plagues and the plagues of your seed extraordinary , great and persistent plagues , and malignant and persistent sicknesses .
- 耶和华就必将奇灾,就是大而长久的灾,恶而长久的病,加在你和你后裔的身上。
- Surely he has borne our sicknesses , and carried our sorrows ; yet we ourselves esteemed him stricken , smitten of god and afflicted .
- 诚然担当了我们的忧患,背负了我们的痛苦;我们却以为受责罚,被神击打苦待了。
- Sufferings and sicknesses are only symptoms and not source of sickness . Cure your soul first , they will recover naturally .
- 痛苦与疾病只是病征而不是病灶。先医好你的心灵,它们便会自然痊愈。
- These can cause smog and sicknesses like lung cancer .
- 这些可能会造成烟雾,导致肺癌等一系列疾病。
- Like many diseases it can be contagious , and I suspect it often contributes to sicknesses such as clinical depression .
- 与很多疾病一样,它可能具有传染性,而且我怀疑,它会经常导致临床抑郁等疾病。
- Very often , when we are exposed to certain viral sicknesses ( for example , chicken pox ) , our body develops immunity against it thereafter .
- 通常,当我们面临某种病毒性疾病(比如,水痘),我们的身体会自动产生免疫力。
- Some people are better at fending off certain sicknesses more than others .
- 有些人对于某些疾病的抵抗能力要强于其他人。