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- Researchers have devised a penny-sized silicon chip that uses photons to run shor 's algorithm-a well-known quantum approach-to solve a maths problem .
- 研究人员设计出一个便士大小的硅晶片,利用量子运行肖尔算法一种著名的量子算法来解决一个数学问题。
- " Until now one of the big questions in the literature has been about whether pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes or heart problems or behaviors such as smoking drinking or drug use lead to both unemployment and a greater risk of death " shor said .
- 肖尔说:“迄今为止,文献中提到的几个重大问题之一,就是已有的健康问题,例如糖尿病或心脏病,或吸烟、喝酒或药物滥用等行为,会不会造成失业和更大的死亡风险。”
- That adopts electronic commutator makes this kind of electromotor solve a series of problems that exist in the brush electromotor including big sparks , poor reliabilities , heavy noises , and shor lift-span .
- 由于采用了电子换向装置使这种电机克服了有刷电机存在的火花大、靠性差、音大、命短等一系列弊病。
- You have been rather closely shor .
- 你的头发剪得相当短。
- Midnight chatroom sex appeal ultra shor .
- 午夜聊天室性感超短裤美.
- This is me practicing the shor .
- 这是我在练习小洪拳。
- Let 's take a shor t break for lunch .
- 让我们休息一会儿,去吃午饭。