
n.牧羊人,羊倌( shepherd的名词复数 )
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- The vast and unknown valleys are populated only by flocks of sheep and shepherds on horseback .
- 巨大的无名山谷只有一群群的绵羊和骑在马背上的牧羊人欣赏。
- Early auditory tests for dalmatians have cut down their deafness , orthopaedic x-rays for german shepherds are helping with their hip trouble .
- 达尔马提亚狗早期听力测试已经使他们耳聋率下降,德国牧羊犬的骨科x射线测试有助于治疗它们的髋关节毛病。
- The baghdad police college uses 48 german and belgian shepherds and labrador sniffer dogs , each costing 4000 . Sniffer bees would come at a fraction of the cost .
- 巴格达警察学院使用了48条德国和比利时牧羊犬和拉布拉达嗅探犬,每条价值4000英镑,而使用嗅探蜂只需其中一小部分费用。
- Some shepherds came along and drove them away , but moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock .
- 有牧羊的人来把她们赶走了,摩西却起来帮助她们,又饮了她们的群羊。
- Compulsive tail chasing occurs in several dog breeds , but worldwide it is most common in breeds such as bull terriers and german shepherds .
- 虽然强迫“追尾”行为在许多犬种中均有发现,但全球最普遍的患病品种还是斗牛和德国牧羊犬。
- Those gentle and honest shepherds .
- 一些和蔼诚实的牧人。
- They are shepherds tending their sheep .
- 他们是照管羊的牧人。
- Christ 's birth made the angels rejoice and attracted shepherds and kings from afar .
- 基督的降生让天使欣喜,引来了远方的牧人和国王。
- Then jesus had been born in a barn , and to a barn the shepherds and the wise men had come , bringing their christmas gifts !
- 耶稣就是在谷仓里面生出来的,然后牧羊人和智者就来到了谷仓中,送来了他们的圣诞礼物!
- All your shepherds will be scattered by the wind and your lovers will be taken captive ; then you will be covered with shame because of your evil deeds .
- 你所有的牧人将被风卷去,你的情侣必流徙远方;那时你必因你行的一切邪恶,含羞抱愧。